About  IJPDD

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Drug Design (IJPDD) is an international online journal published monthly, is a one-stop, open access source for a high quality and peer reviewed journal in the fields of pharmaceutical sciences, Biopharmaceutical sciences, Biological, Pharmacological and toxicological research. IJPDD aims to provide a common platform for all researchers and scientists to communicate and publishes original research papers, critical reviews and short communications, case study on the latest developments in the medical research and pharmaceutical sciences with a strong emphasis on the originality and scientific quality of the work. As medical and pharmaceutical research is a multidisciplinary field, IJPDD aims to fulfil this mission by publishing original research papers, critical reviews and short communications on the latest advancements in the medical research and pharmaceutical sciences.

About the Journal

Name of the Journal International Journal of Pharmaceutical Drug Design (IJPDD)
Frequency Monthly
E-ISSN 2584-2897
Publisher Mr. Suraj Mandal
Editor-in-Chief Mr. Suraj Mandal
Starting Year 2023
Subject 1. Pharmaceutical Sciences
2. Biopharmaceutical Sciences
Language English
Publication Format Online
Email Id editor.ijpdd@gmail.com
Website www.ijpdd.org
Address I-Block, Alakhnanda Road, O-Pocket, Ganganagar, Meerut, 250001, U.P., India